Lightweight Prices (GBEi) as a service is one that is complementary to the API, and is specifically optimised for managing large volumes of offers on the exchange. The Lightweight Price (LWP) approach is a fundamentally different way of interacting with the exchange.

It is an asynchronous streaming of instructions into the exchange on the one hand and the asynchronous streaming of status (and match) information from the exchange on the other hand. This asynchronous approach is well established on financial trading exchanges and it enables vastly greater throughput and reduced latency. The name of our system that supports LWPs is GBEi. GBEi works in conjunction with the API and work completed on the API could/would continue to be utilised, when you implement against the GBEi platform.

A Light-Weight Price (LWP) is not an order in the conventional sense (and it therefore does not incur the overhead associated with an order) but is an expression of a price at which the customer would be willing to trade. GBEi automatically creates an order for the LWP if and when there is a real order that would match with the LWP.

Main Benefits
  • Offers only count against exposure when they’re matched - Allows market makers ability to increase the numbers of offers they put up without needing the corresponding increase in account balance
  • Increased Security measures around exposure management (Market and Overall warning and removal limits)
  • Asynchronous streaming of status (and match) information of offers
Who is this for?
  • Liquidity Providers
  • As each LWP integration requires an integration on both customer and platform side and there is a cost associated with each, BETDAQ will only consider established users of the Retail API for progression to LWP except in exceptional circumstances
  • Contact us for more details