What are Trading Tools?

Trading Tools are different versions of software, developed by third party vendors which enable BETDAQ customers to utilize the site in a more professional capacity. Through these Trading Tools BETDAQ customers can view the exchange data (including pricing and liquidity) in different formats conducive to professional trading. BETDAQ customers can place faster bets, build their own trading bots and customise the interface in a way that suits them.

I have a problem with my Bot, who do I contact?

Please contact the software vendor directly to assist with your problem. BETDAQ cannot assist you with any software queries, we can however assist you if the problem is with your account.

Do I pay for software on BETDAQ?

Some of the the trading tools made available carry a subscription fee but Bet Angel and Geeks Toy are all 100% free for you to use.

Do I need API Permissions to use Trading Tools?

No, any trading tools listed on www.betdaqtraders.com are all BETDAQ approved, and you do not need permissions to use these.

Where do I go to get API Permissions?

You can get API permissions by clicking on API information and navigating to 'apply for API Access'

Who do I contact if I have API problems?

Please contact our API help team - api@betdaq.com with your exact problem and we'll be delighted to help you.